Weather : grey and spittin'
Aileen Wuornos: The Story of a Serial Killer by Real Stories

Hello everyone. I know it's been a while since I updated my diary and even longer since I updated the site; right now I'm struggling with the Library, which you may have noticed, and the damn float function. What's up with that? Anyways, in the real world I've finished university and I'm currently between jobs. I've signed a contract for a full-time stint in a bar in Canary Wharf which should be busy this summer. I still haven't given my notice for my last job though, they've just unofficially fired me, so when I return my uniform I'll give in my proper notice and find a way for me to fuck them over. I signed up to work at least 25hrs a week at this place but for the past month I'd gotten 12hrs a week. I was exiled alongside my coworker to another branch in the company for expressing a desire to leave, and as of last week I wasn't even on the rota. Reminder: I never gave my notice. I may be on probation but I still need to give a damn notice. Bastards. Godamn management. Morons. If they'd given me my damn hours I wouldn't be quitting. I'm mad at my coworker too; he's a real piece of work. He announced our departure in the first place and went on to accuse me of leading him on. I made it very clear I didn't want to do that, saying ver batem that since my relationship with Prize got serious I didn't want to lead said coworker on. He's thirty and five foot for fuck's sake.

On the topic of Prize, we've had our first argument, but I fixed it. I'm great at fixing things. Now he's fixed things too and we're very very happy. All I can do is think of him. I want to drop out of university and marry him and settle, but really if I did that I might become a serial killer hahahahahahaha. HAH. That'd be a real kick in the pants. I get baby fever so easily and I'm led by my emotions. I'm such a moron. I didn't want to make this diary entry so sad but it happens every time. All of a sudden, in this moment, now, just now, 16:36 04/06/2024, I feel overtaken with a sense of melancholy. I don't know where it comes from. I think probably from reflecting on my life and whats happened so far. Hey, I was supposed to work out today but didn't. I told Prize so he'd come home and ask me and I'd say "I did do that" and I wouldn't be sad but I guess I will be.

Aileen Wuornos was really something right? There aren't enough female serial killers. Sometimes I'd like to do that because maybe then men would be scared to walk alone at night. Men would be scared of every shadow that the moon throws on their way home. Men piss me off. The injustice of it all. I could never do it though, it's too much effort and mess and far too risky.

I don't really know how to end this entry. I feel the joy being sucked out of me as I type. I just hope you guys are okay, really, I do. If you keep up with me that means you must somewhat care and I really appreciate it. I think I have to turn this laptop off now. Thanks for reading.