Weather : cloudy morning, rain this evening

Hello everybody! I don't know how many of you read my diary so maybe I should put a counter here? Thinking about it, the counter only counts visitors, so there's no real way to see how many people read this. Whatever right? It's my diary.
Well, I moved to the Netherlands. The journey was a seven hour trip from London St. Pancras to Groningen. I got off the Eurostar at Rotterdam and realised a Monster can was leaking out of my luggage (oh no) and had to dry it with my favourite pair of jeans. A lot of people helped me with my luggage, I was just too weak to carry it all and I was so embarassed! Things got worse when I asked someone to help me load my suitcase and duffel bag onto the train from Zwolle to Groningen and the train just left without us! At that point I just started laughing and crying, but to the guy's merit he offered to buy me a coffee and wait with me until the next train arrived. His name is Jakov. Thank you!

Now that I've settled in to my accomodation I've made a few friends. I'm mostly acquaintances with everyone and I'm really trying not to ruffle anyone's feathers but it's student accomodation, so, whatever happens right? It's a lot cheaper than London but aside from my rent I have to pay a monthly fee to rent my bike, groceries, etc; for once I actually have to budget and it's very scary. My first lecture was today and it was about Child rearing and challenging behaviour, which is kind of a novel subject, like I'd never been taught something like that at my home university. Groningen is a great university for Psychology (apparently) so I guess this is the start of good things. At three o'clock I have my first lecture on Controversies in Psychology and on Thursday I have my first lecture on Deception in a clinical setting (this is going to be really cool!). My other choices are specialised and interesting and now it makes me kind of bummed out that I spent my last two years studying what feels like the basics: psychopathology, neurology, clinical psychology, more introductions into realms of psychology rather than focusing on the interesting bits. You have to learn the basics first of course but this just feels... cooler? I did get to choose my modules so that's probably why (couldn't tell you why I chose Consumer psychology but I can tell you I regret it).

Prize and I agreed to try a long distance relationship. I'm being very pragmatic about it all. I'm not expecting to come back and live with him (though it'd be nice) so I'm not setting myself up for disappointments. I haven't looked at anyone and thought that I'd like to approach them since I started dating Prize so that's a good sign, I think? There's a big age gap between us that usually shocks people, but my response is always just that I'm an adult and know what I'm doing. I don't think my frontal lobe will come in and I'll suddenly decide that I never liked Prize, especially because I enjoy like 95% of the time I spend with him. The girls in my block asked to see a photo of him and agreed he looked younger than he is and that he's handsome. I told Prize... I really hope he took it to heart. He's very insecure and it makes me sad when he talks down about himself.

I've gotta go get ready for my lecture but I really liked writing in my online diary again. I also wrote in my IRL diary (you'll never find it!) but writing online to a perceived audience makes me feel good; I like attention, I admit it. I won't do anything for it though. Just this. Maybe I'd like to be a streamer someday? I could never decide on a V-Tuber design... anyways! I have to go! Bye!